The epidemic of child abuse doctors harming children and…
Child abuse pediatricians are a class of ‘doctors’ who are pediatricians who specialize in diagnosing child abuse. This path of specialization is obviously not chosen by the pediatricians who are academically good. As a result, these child abuse ‘doctors’ are not the best to identify complex medical conditions let alone straight forward common medical conditions.
There is a saying – “To a person with a hammer, everything looks like a nail”. These child abuse ‘doctors’ have no training in treating the basic pain conditions let alone complex medical condition. As a result of the actions of these ‘doctors’ families are being decimated, children are being separated from their families.
There have been cases of ‘doctors’ claiming to have extensive training in diagnosing child abuse without going through a formal training:
Admittedly, there are parents who should be penalized for child abuse BUT those are very obvious, such as drug addiction, molestation. This does not mean that a worried parent of a child trying to seek the right medical care should be accused of Munchausen by Proxy.
This situation has become so prevalent that children do not want to be seen by any doctor, they refuse treatment and withdraw. Frankly, I can see why. As a child in this situation, I would lose all trust of the very adults who are supposed to take care of my health. As a parent, if I had a child with a complex medical condition, I would:
- Avoid any hospital that has a Child Abuse ‘doctor’ on staff
- Avoid large academic hospitals. The first few doctors that would see my child are Residents and Interns. Not someone who should be seeing a patient with complex medical conditions.
- Make sure I have the correct Pediatrician for my child who understands my child and will go to bat for him/her.
- Research well the doctors before I take my child there.
- I would ask that my child be seen by an MD only. Nurse Practitioners and Physicians Assistants just do not have the training to handle these cases. There are always exceptions.
Do no harm
There has been more and more about this is the lay press too.